Sunday, January 1


     Some people is maybe still unfamiliar with this kind of term, queer definition itself is a "Strange", or "Different from the other". The study of literature reveal that Queer is a term which relating to LGBT (Lesbian, gay, bisexuals, and transgender). In this case, the writer has do some observation and research about the Queer itself, especially the "Gay" case. The writer has do some interview to 10 people, consist of five men, and the other half is women from different background and personality.

      The writer has conclude each of the person comments and pharaphrase them in this post. And these are what they said..., starting with man first.

1. Name : Kasman
     Age : 22
     Occupation : Lecturer
     Comment : "To e a Gay is a sin, it means that thinking "it's okay" for them is also not a good people  "

2. Name : Pandu Triatmojo
    Age : 20
    Occupation : Freelance
    Comment : "It's okay if they are gay, as long as they not disturb me"

3. Name : Leonardo
    Age : 24
    Occupation : Personal Trainer, Model
    Comment : "Please don't talk about gay, I don't like them, I say this from my experience.."

4. Name : Andre Aprilianto
    Age : 19
    Occupation : College Student
    Comment : "I don't mind being friend with gays, as long as they are not think to hit me., or trying to flirt me"

5. Name : Ferry Halim
    Age : 21
    Occupation : College student
    Comment : "I really don't like gays, don't want to talk about them"

6. Name Lisken M. Sipahutar
    Age : 20
    Occupation : College Student
    Comment : "I don't quite like the gays, it's because almost of them is egoistic, but if have known their background or their true personality, i think its fine"

7. Name : Parlina Meylani
    Age : 20
    Occupation : College student, tutor
    Comment : "It's they right to be a gay, so I really don't mind with that, I mean, it's not like they do some kind of criminals.."

8. Name :  Jennifer
    Age : 21
    Occupation :  College Student
    Comment : "it's fine if there's gay around me, they didn't do something bad to me anyway"

9. Name : Maryuningsih
    Age : 20
    Occupation : College student
   Comment : "I don't think man like it, but myself is having no problem with gay people, they not disturbing anyone, so..."

10. Name : Isma Wirta Zahmi
      Age : 20
      Occupation : College Student
     Comment : "My best friend is maybe a gay, he always talk about men, but that's what make us really suit to be friends, i think gay is my bestfriend, hahaha.."

    From all of the comment above, the writer can make 2 conclusion, one from man perspective and the other is the opposite. the conclusion is 
1. From man perspective, it is okay for the gay existence, the important point is they not do some kind of flirting or something that will make the man disgusted
2. From Women perspective, "Gay is women bestfriend", the writer think, that kind of term is the best word for women perspective conclusion.

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