Tuesday, October 11

Synopsis of Teru Teru Bozu

         At the first, Teru teru bozu is some kind of traditional doll that usually made by kids or farmer to prevent the rain, its usually made by white piece of cloth and hanged outside at the window by some kind of string or thread. The word of Teru teru bozu itsef can be divided by two words, that its “teru” that means sunshine in English and “bozu” is a monk, but in these days, many people says that bozu is rather a “bald headed”.
         It is said that teru teru bozu have some kind of magical power that can stop the rain from coming.
         Teru teru bozu itself has a some kind of chant to be made, that is like this “Fine-weather priest, please let the weather be good tomorrow." But now, it’s rarely for people to chant that again, instead just hanging the Teru teru bozu out and hoping for a sunny weather on the next day.
         Teru teru bozu itself also have the mythology on the first hand, it is said that originally, on the past there was a monk who make an oath to the farmers that he will make the next day weather to be sunny, apparently on that time the monk make the promise, there was a long period of rain which ruining crops to dead. On the next day, its next day, it seems that the monk have failed out and he was executed. It seems that this Teru teru bozu itself is according to that story, where the “bozu” words refer the monk, and and “teru teru” is supposed to be a joke, that stated the brightness which made by the reflection of that bald headed. It’s a little funny though, it’s kinda insulting also for the people who have a bald headed, Ha..ha..ha..
         Some also stated that Teru teru bozu must be hanged upright,  if you make the opposite then it will the rain more to come. Teru teru bozu also have a song, that seems this song is made by the origins of the story of Teru teru bozu, it is composed by Shinpei Nakayama and published in 1921.

One of lyrics of the song is like this :

Teru-teru-bozu, teru bozu

Do make tomorrow a sunny day

But if the clouds are crying (it’s raining)

Then I shall snip your head off

         Cruel but it’s the fact,
In these days, the kids make the Teru teru bozu by a tissue paper or a cotton.
Its quite simple in making Teru teru bozu, 
I. Take a piece of paper and make it into a ball.
II. Take another and wrap around it.
III. Tie it with the string or thread
And the last is hanged it on your window.
That’s it about the synopsis

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